Erasmus + project.
In our project “Sustainability as a Resource”, we want to promote sustainable touristic activities among our students as a means to solve some problems found in the partner schools: low results, youth unemployment and lack of hope in the future.
All the partners offer varied examples of this type of initiatives. Spain: rehabilitation of neglected structures; Italy: tourism and sport; Croatia: rural tourism; Turkey: religious tourism and pilgrimage; Germany: snow winter tourism and Finland: health tourism.
The designed activities include students exchanges and international meetings where there have been formative activities and workshops about the topic dealt in each meeting, while they learn about different European cultures and practice the foreign language.
Using IT we want to improve our pupils competence in English, their entrepreneurial thinking related to sustainable tourism and create synergies between the partner schools.
Sustainability as a resource
Welcome to
Sustainability as a Resource was my first international project as a teacher. I was lucky to be in two events abroad in addition to preparing the meeting in our school for my part. I feel I just got started in something I really want to keep doing. Education is such different around Europe, even though it feels all of the continent is almost next door these days.
It’s not a holiday for sure. The days were very intense, and the preparations and aftermath really are quite some work to do. However, nowhere else could we dig as deep in a culture as quickly. With local people around and a meaningful task, I feel I learned more in a weeks time than I would in a month of regular tourism! ​
It’s moving to see the students bonding and even keeping in touch for years after. I was a bit surprised it was probably the same for many teachers. It’s not that easy to make friends at an adult age, but when it happens, I really couldn’t care less if they’re at another edge of Europe!
Teacher in Virtain Lukio. Finland

Working on this project has been a challenge on a personal level. It has been a linguistic, technological and above all human experience where we have managed to get in touch with students and teachers from different countries and we have felt very connected on an affective level.
I value the experience positively and hope the ties we have created during these years will not break.
Benito Sánchez
Teacher in La Unión. Spain

People with different cultures and religions, coming from far countries, sitting at the same table and forgetting about their differences: this is Erasmus.
Everything has a different value here.
Time is limited but friendship lasts forever.
Lucilla Latini
Teacher in Perugia. Italy

Hello Everybody :)
We were 6 countries but One Soul. We witnessed Countries' Sustainable ways and researched. During this project, We learned friendship, clemecy and to be solution oriented. Now, I know that I have many friendly persons all around these 5 countries that I can share everything. I am happy that we brought a new sight about sustainable tourism for each country. I learned English, Is there anything more important than it? :)
Thanks Erasmus!
That is why We love Erasmus
Arife Bilgic
Teacher in Izmir. Turkey

This project has been a great experience!
Knowing people from other countries and their cultures, working together, solving problems, developing teamwork, language and IT skills, learning about Sustainable tourism with real examples throughout Europe, outdoor activities and sports... An enriching combination which cannot be found everywhere but that was possible in our project.
Great partners, great friends and the priceless opportunity given to teachers and students.
These are some of the aspects which made this project special: English, working, learning, travelling, hiking, making friends and having fun... I love Erasmus and I love this project "Sustainability as a Resource"
María José Vélez Gallego
Teacher in La Unión, Spain

Participating in this project was an amazing experience for students and teachers of our school. It was our first international project and it exceeded our expectations.
During the project we learnt about other countries, improved our ICT skills and met colleagues from other countries to exchange good practice. In other words, we visited beautiful places, learnt how to make dynamic presentations by using new technology, we met teachers and students who belong to other school systems so we were able to compare them, and during the meetings we made precious memories and good friends.
What I found the most impressive were strong bonds our students formed in a short time, stereotypes they broke and social issues they overcame. I believe they are enriched by this priceless experience and therefore better prepared for future challenges such as education, work, travelling, active citizenship or whatever they set their minds to.
I am proud and glad to be part of this Erasmus+ adventure.
Teacher in Hvar. Croatia